Friday 19 February 2010

[Lost] Time for me to retire now, and become John Locke

After a couple of weeks of smashing through Lost I finally caught up with the current timeline (oh dear, bad choice of words there). Just in time too, finding out what the numbers mean and as fast paced as the show has suddenly become.

It's nice that they have been able to become the show they wanted to after such beginnings - the network not allowing them to be a sci-fi show. Even better they have managed to keep the personalities and characters plots interesting despite essentially being unable to move forward.

The old - find the answer, create twelve more questions formula is finally breaking and its being done well. That being said I'm glad the show is in its final season, they've timed it right and - hopefully - planned well their ability to tie things up.

Oh, and in other more spoiler-ific news. Some casting for you:
Do not mouseover if you dont want to know

thats all for now, mostly because I rushed this one out, so I leave you with the inspiration for the title of this post...

As you can see that song still amuses even now.

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