Friday 26 February 2010

Cancelled TV Shows

More and more shows with potential work their way towards our hearts and then get torn away by a cancellation sequence.
Many of my favourites, I have managed to procure the DVDs for.

What has caused these shows to disappear from our screens when other less worthy shows survive? Who knows. One main cause is likely patience.

Yes, we like to think we have patience but the fact of the matter is that there is only one show that people have truly allowed to take up their limit in recent times: Lost.

Lost began as a show that was told to be something it wasn't and because of this, we knew we would have to wait for its answers, its mysteries to be revealed. What did this do? It allowed the viewers to actually bond with the characters, to decide that yes Sawyer's story was one they wanted to find out, why was Jin how he was or what was Kate truly running from?

All of these answers have gradually made their way to the forefront in due time. This is the problem with the more shortlived shows. Often they know from the start where they're heading and lay the foundations but feel compelled to push the storyline due to their networks demand for ratings. The balance between true characterisation and plot is truly difficult to attain. Joss Whedon's Firefly being the prime example: He had worked hard on developing the players in his world into fully 3 dimensional personalities that you would be hard pushed not to love or hate as demanded, and then was forced to change the order of his episodes, destroying smaller plot developments or any chance of a true overall arc.

This is the other main issue I have with shows cancellations, dvd sales prove the following that these shows have, these that have been labeled as failures. Viewing figures are misleading in themselves for one overlying reason - if there are two shows on at the same time, human nature is to record, in whatever form, the show they prefer. Whether to rewatch or to pass along to other fans who didnt have the chance to watch it. Surely this is the mark of a better story? A more worthwhile concept.

So don't be surprised to see shows commented upon in this blog that have disappeared from your screens, whether recently or long since.

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